Author Journey
Between Inspiration and Beginning
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Hello again,
In the first blog post, I shared with you that two instances ‘sourced’ my journey into writing and publishing children’s adventure/mystery stories. The first from how deeply moved I was by my first international travel experiences; later forged into a “calling” after an unexpected layoff and premature retirement during pandemic times.
The two instances happened a few years apart. At the first inspiration, my plan was to write the books once I retired. I’d then have the free time to study the craft of fiction writing and changes in the publishing industry. That was eight years from my planned retirement. And the time delay didn’t bother me. The second instance, being “grabbed by the heart”, occurred a couple of years ago. Now, delaying the start of writing my books was no longer comfortable.
My life timeline had also changed, with my layoff and retiring three and a half years early. I have to say, retirement was far busier than I expected. I was working hard... mentally. Spending 7-plus hours on most days, for months, to complete the restructure of my personal finances, reallocate investments, and keep up with the reading and briefings from 20-odd financial and investment subscriptions.
Grabbed by the Heart
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Have you ever been minding your own business… living your life, working your work, dreaming your dreams…? When, suddenly, an idea hits you? Not your regular “ooooh” or “ah-hah” moment; this idea goes deep inside and grabs you by the heart.
You can barely fathom what caused this grab from out of the “ether.” An idea that was never on your “life radar.” Yet, within a single moment, you developed an undeniable commitment to this idea—this “calling.” You don’t know how to do it. But know you're going to do it. Something in you knows you are meant to do it.
How do you start? You don't know… yet. You’ll have to figure that out. Are you capable? Let’s see… you now know that you are doing this. So, either the ability is already within you or you’ll just have to “put on your big girl panties” and become capable.
This very scenario happened to me. An idea from out of the ether gripped my heart: I must contribute to children experiencing that natural curiosity and open-hearted childhood state beyond their very young years. Childhood wonder is too precious a state to cut short.